What happens when AI-generated music meets climate change? | Featured Documentary

Apr 21, 2024 SEOUL
Vivaldi’s, Four Seasons, re-composed by AI using 2050 climate data to create a disturbing musical performance in Seoul.
Apr 21, 2024 SEOUL
Vivaldi’s, Four Seasons, re-composed by AI using 2050 climate data to create a disturbing musical performance in Seoul.

Antonio Vivaldi published, The Four Seasons, in 1723, celebrating the natural world and the four distinct seasons. But what would this music sound like today in our age of climate crisis? The "Uncertain Four Seasons" global project uses climate modelling data to generate a 2050 version of, The Four Seasons, for orchestras around the world according to their climate projections.

Dystopia of Seoul is the story of this piece of AI music in the South Korean capital which suffered devastating floods in 2022. The melodies, energy and tempo are twisted by the sophisticated algorithm to reflect Seoul’s climate predictions. The result makes for disturbing listening and is another stark warning to humanity about climate change.


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