Braverman is a War Criminal!: Activist slams support for Israel amid Gaza war of ex-UK minister

May 21, 2024 #UnitedKingdom #OxfordUniversity #FreePalestine
Fiona Lally, an activist from the Revolutionary Communist Party who is coordinatin
May 21, 2024 #UnitedKingdom #OxfordUniversity #FreePalestine
Fiona Lally, an activist from the Revolutionary Communist Party who is coordinating multiple pro-Palestinian encampments across UK universities, has recently labelling Suella Braverman, a former home secretary, a war criminal. This accusation is following a televised encounter where Lally criticised Braverman's handling of pro-Palestinian rallies in the UK and condemned Israel's actions in Gaza, describing them as genocide and criminal enslavement. Lally is joining Al Jazeera from London, where she is emphasising the importance of exposing political hypocrisy and the widespread anger against establishment politics, asserting that movements like hers are crucial in challenging the capitalist system that prioritises profit over people. She is expressing that such movements if expanded and supported by workers through strikes and boycotts, have the power to bring down the current government. Lally highlights the international nature of this sentiment and the efforts of the Revolutionary Communist Party to organise globally, aiming to channel public discontent into a revolutionary movement.

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