Tourgeman argues that Israel has the right to defend itself

May 17, 2024 #aljazeeralivenews #aljazeeraenglish #israel
Tourgeman, continuing her presentation, says many of South Africa’s claims of Israe
May 17, 2024 #aljazeeralivenews #aljazeeraenglish #israel
Tourgeman, continuing her presentation, says many of South Africa’s claims of Israeli military misconduct are “simply false”.

This includes South Africa’s claims that Israel’s military has set out “extermination zones” where people in Gaza can be targeted on the basis of their location, Tourgeman says.

It also includes accusations that Israel is utilising artificial intelligence software to decide on military targets, which Tourgeman dismisses as being based on an unreliable media report. UN chief Antonio Guterres last month said he was “deeply troubled” by reports that the Israeli military has been using artificial intelligence to help identify bombing targets in Gaza.

Tourgeman again slams South Africa’s request that the court order Israel to cease military operations in Gaza.

This would set a dangerous precedent, she says, that “sovereign states under persistent attack, whose citizens are held hostage, cannot defend itself or its citizens”.

“There is no international law to this effect,” she adds. “It is inconceivable that there would be.”


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